About us
Four universities from Greece and Switzerland conduct the Saleem study. Our work is funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies.

University of Basel
Department of Sport, Exercise and Health
Prof. Dr. Markus Gerber: Swiss principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Uwe Pühse: Co-applicant
Dr. Flora Colledge: Project partner
Dr. Sebastian Ludyga: Project partner
Dr. Harald Seelig: Project partner
Florian Knappe: PhD student
Faculty of Psychology, Divion of Cognitive Neuroscience
Prof. Dr. Dominique de Quervain: Co-applicant

University of Thessaly
Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
Prof. Dr. Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis: Greek principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Yannis Theodorakis: Co-applicant
Dr. Ioannis D. Morres: Co-applicant
Konstatinia Filippou: PhD student
Elsa Havas: PhD student

University of Bern
Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies
Dr. Marianne Meier: Project partner

University Hospital Zurich
Department of Consultation-Liaison-Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine
Prof. Dr. Roland von Känel: Co-applicant